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Bereavement Services
Supporting You On The Journey of Grief
There is no right way to grieve. It is an individual process and a natural part of life. Life won’t be the same, but experiencing your grief will allow you to adjust to life after loss. Grief lasts as long as it takes to adjust to the changes in your life after your loved one has passed away. It can be for months, or even years as grief has no timetable. Thoughts, emotions, behaviors and other responses may come and go.
Help for Health's grief services are available to the general public as well as our hospice families at no charge. For many people, the death of a loved one can be one of the most significant traumas encountered in a lifetime. Grief services like bereavement groups, counseling, and reading materials can help you recognize your feelings and put them into perspective. They can relieve feelings of loneliness, and sharing with others who are in a similar situation can be comforting and reassuring. Sometimes new friendships grow through these groups and new social networks can be established. Grief is a unique experience to each person, and we hope having grief support available to you brings comfort.
Help For Health Hospice is dedicated to providing a safe place for grieving people to share their experiences and to help one another through our Good Grief Café support group. The support group is open to our family members, caregivers and grieving individuals in the community. We also provide resources which may speak to your experience of grief and help you find peace.
Good Grief Cafe`s Caring Bereavement Team:
Seth Johnson, Social Worker, LCSW, ASW-G
Echo Klaproth, Chaplain
Ann Rowe-Arey, RN
Date: The 2nd Thursday of each month
Location: The Riverton Branch Library
Address: 1330 W Park Avenue,
Riverton, WY 82501
Time: 5:30 p.m.

Good Grief Café
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